Rectory Property - 42 Harding Street, Enoggera
St John the Evangelist property 181 - 185 Wardell Street, Enoggera
St James' property - 58 Enoggera Road, Kelvin Grove
Planning for our Future
Summary of Planning Meeting held on 8th September 2018, facilitated by Bishop Jeremy Greaves
On Saturday 8th September 2018 a small but dedicated group of people met to begin to plan the future of The Green Hills Anglican Community. There were those who had apologised for not being able to be there. From these people and from those present we have had lots of fruitful thoughts and discussions.
The day was facilitated by Bp. Jeremy. We were also able to welcome Clive Bolger Strategic Property Project Manager Financial Services of the Diocese. Clive addressed the gathering and spoke to an analysis that he had done of the Parish properties. Clive had done this at the request of the Parish Council. The analysis came up with some options. This list is not exclusive nor is it exhaustive. The analysis is available on our Website and on our Facebook site. If, for future discussion you may require a copy please speak to me.
Before we launched into the nitty gritty of the day Bp. Jeremy asked me to talk about the Five Marks of Mission and what they mean to this parish.
Bp. Jeremy then began with a look at the overall position of the parish as it is now. We looked at the current financial position as against budget. This is not great. I apologise for not going into detail in such a short summary but suffice it to say that this parish is almost $13,000 behind where we ought to be. We also looked at the buildings. Clive’s analysis was a big help here as was the people’s observations. A short summary of our assets shows,
· 11 property lots (7 at Enoggera and 4 at Kelvin Grove)
· 7 buildings (4 at Enoggera and 3 at Kelvin Grove plus toilets blocks and sheds)
· A core of about 60 (?) regular, committed parishioners. These people give generously of their time and talents to live into as far as possible the Five Marks of Mission.
We then discussed the properties with Clive leading discussion. We talked a little about what we had considered in the past. Many asked questions of Clive about what could be done. In my opinion the one thing that was pretty clear was that all of our properties except the Rectory were zoned Community Use. Apparently this cannot be changed. Still Clive was clear in his desire to give as much assistance as he and his department could give.
Bp. Jeremy then led us through an exercise that indicated just what we as a parish thought we were doing in several areas, Service, Worship, Education, Pastoral Care and Evangelism. It became clear that we were doing something in every sphere but that we did some better than others. The Bishop’s reason for doing this was to help us to think about just what we may be able to do better and what were the possibilities if we did not have our financial concerns.
What we need to do is to alleviate those concerns. How we do that is our next step. We need to be able to have a vision for this parish that lines up with the Marks of Mission. We need to be able to continue to be viable so that we can preserve our place in our community.
To that end it is clear that we need to do something with our property that will be able to see a return on investment. This return ought to be able to service any costs or loans we may incur and also some extra income for parish use. We cannot have what we do, cost the parish anything.
Most importantly and urgently we need options to be able to present to Clive and his team for them to consider the viability and either rule them out or keep them as options. To do this the people gathered on Saturday came up with a time line. We are inviting input of thoughts and options from as many in the parish as can about just what we may be able to do. We are asking for responses to be in writing either email or letter to me or the wardens by 2nd October. We will consider these at the October Parish Council meeting 16th October. The Parish Council will then present these to Clive and his team for the aforementioned consideration. By November we ought to be able to have a plan that would see us able to move forward.
Some people have already presented some options. Clive gave some in his analysis. So just to repeat,
Input of thoughts and options to myself or Parish Council by 2nd October.
Consideration of these before and during Parish Council meeting 16th October and
Present our findings to Clive and a beginning of plan by end November.
Thanks to you all, and if you need to speak further to me or the Wardens please do not hesitate to call.
Yours In Christ
Fr. Bruce.